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How to install an SSL certificate with WebSite Pro

On 06/08/2018 By Valentin Ricci

Step 1 - Generate a CSR from WebSite Pro

1. Open the Website Server Properties and click on the « Key Ring » tab, then click on « New Key Pair » How to install an SSL certificate with WebSite Pro

2. Fill in appropriate fields with your DN information. How to install an SSL certificate with WebSite Pro

Warning: Do not click on the « Certification Authority (CA) » button. How to install an SSL certificate with WebSite Pro

3. Your CSR is saved in the file you specified.

4. You can now buy an SSL certificate using the CSR you've just generated.

Step 2 - Install an SSL certificate

Once the Certification Authority has validated your CSR, you can download your certificate from your HTTPCS dashboard. How to install an SSL certificate with WebSite Pro

1. Move the certificates you've just downloaded to the same directory than your CSR.
Open the WebSite Server Properties and go to the « Key Ring » tab.
Click on « Add Trusted Root » and choose the root certificate (TrustedRoot.cer).
How to install an SSL certificate with WebSite Pro

2. Go back to the « Key Ring » tab and click on « Add Key Pair & Certificates ». Here, install your intermediate certificate (CA-Certificate.cer) and your server certificate (ServerCertificate.cer). How to install an SSL certificate with WebSite Pro

3. Your SSL certificate is now installed. You can check its installation.

Buy a cheap SSL certificate for WebSite

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