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Cybersecurity for Critical Operators

Cyber-risks are increasing and particularly affect defense administrations, public entities but also entities known as "Operator of Essential Services" and "Operators of Vital Importance". These actors are continually confronted to all types of cyber-risks linked to human errors, internal attacks or targeted threats by external attackers.

Cybersecurity for Critical Operators

Computer security tool adapted to Operators of Vital Importance

HTTPCS supports them in the implementation of technical and organizational measures to ensure:

  • Cyber risks management
  • Prevention of compromise incidents
  • Business continuity
  • Availability and performance
  • Maintenance of secret information only to authorized entities
  • Monitoring, audit and control
  • Control and non-repudiation of audits
  • Documentation with archived reports and operations monitoring
  • Compliance with international standards (ISO 27001, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, GDPR)
HTTPCS - IT security tool

Dedicated cyber security offerings for governments

Special offers are also proposed for governments of member countries of North Atlantic Treaty Organization. For any questions please request your Defense Account Manager

HTTPCS - Computer Security Certification Seal

Our certifications

Critical Operators: Call on our certified cyber-experts.

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